She’s ours! While legally Selah remains under the ownership of the ministry, we have officially signed a three year charter on her. This means she’s our responsibility to take care of and maintain, but we also get to use her as the Lord directs during that time (and potentially beyond.)
We have been in Elizabeth City, NC for about 9 months now. I have so much I could write about. It’s challenging to know what to share, often because it’s hard to write about experiences you are still living through. Trying to analyze what God is teaching you. What lessons you’ve learned. What direction things are headed. But I can say I am in awe of how much we have learned and experienced in our relatively short time here.
Last fall, right when we thought we were nearing the end of Selah’s major repairs, we discovered that what we thought was some minor water damage on an interior wall below deck, was actually major water damage to a structural bulkhead wall. We were pretty defeated at the discovery and struggled for a few weeks with whether or not we could repair this rotten bulkhead and still be ready to move aboard her come December. In the mean time the college offered Aaron a position as “dorm dad” in the men’s hall for the up coming spring semester. Although the position didn’t pay, it would mean free housing for us for the spring. A break from being in the RV. Initially I didn’t want Aaron to take the job, I didn’t want to stick around for another semester. I wanted to stick to the original plan – get the boat done as soon as we could and head back south. What was next after that I wasn’t sure, But I just wanted to stick to the plan (I’m sure no one can relate) Slowly though, God showed me I was holding onto a plan and not him, and so he asked me to let it go and into the apartment we moved.
A view from our apartment window. Our youngest, Abel, watches as Aaron docks Selah on the sea wall. What an amazing gift God has given us in our time in this apartment. Free housing with a view of the intercostal and our boat tied up right outside! If He gives you a task, He will make a way for you to accomplish it!
I’m a little embarrassed now that I fought God on this plan change. God knew what was around the corner. Things I didn’t see coming. We were surprised in December to find out we were pregnant, only to be surprised again in February to discover I was having a miscarriage. I am thankful I didn’t have to go through that experience while living in the RV (or a boat!) Although tiny living simplifies many areas of life, it can create more work when it come to certain household chores. God knew I would need rest during that time and kindly gave me a laundry room and a dishwasher again for a season.
He also knew there was another rotten bulkhead in our future, and more wood rot in the deck’s core that was still hiding out of view. Eventually we had to step back and realize that this was going to be a much bigger renovation than we thought. Many days have felt very defeating. For a few months there I told God I couldn’t keep going at this without him giving me a vision for where this sailboat journey was headed. It was getting hard and I wanted some concrete reasons to keep going. Was this boat meant to be our home God? Or would Aaron use it to host camps for young men, just like his original sailboat dream years ago? I prayed for several weeks for answers, to no avail. Then one day I was asked to answer this question in a Bible study workbook, “Are you waiting for God to put everything in place before you step out in faith? (Check yes or no.) If no, is that still faith?” I found that question convicting. In that moment I felt like God said, “I’m not going to give you the whole plan, I just want you to keep going, keep working on the boat.” I didn’t get the answer I wanted (as seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life) but God gave me the confidence that this was the work to which he had called us for this season, and so again, as I let go of what I wanted, God gave me another gift along with the apartment, the peace that comes from knowing I’m right where I’m supposed to be (even if that does involve scrapping out rotten wood from 50 year old sailboats.)
As of today we are pretty confident that we have discovered all of Selah’s hidden secrets. In order to leave no stone unturned, no rotten bulkhead undetected we have removed most of her cabinets, bunks and cosmetic walls to reveal the bare fiberglass hull (see picture below). On a positive note, all the repairs we’ve made have helped us to know this boat way better than we did last fall and we have gained a lot of confidence in boat maintenance and repair, skills I’m sure God will have us tap into along this journey. We are hoping to have all of the repair jobs done by the end of our time here in the apartment come the end of May. And from there we will have to decide how we want to rebuild her interior. We aren’t 100% sure what the plan is. But I’ve been challenged to worry less about the plan and more about walking daily with my savior. Letting him lead the way as I walk in the faith that he has a plan. A better plan than me.
A view below deck. Aaron and Patrick, (another ministry team member) work to reinforce the post below deck that aligns with the main mast directly above deck. This post seen here is all that’s left of the rotten bulkhead that used to run between where Aaron and Patrick are in this picture. Unfortunately the rot went all the way below the floor. What you can’t see here is the 3 ton ram Jack that now sits between the hull of the boat and this post to support the mast while we repair the damage.
I laughed to myself the other day that I named this blog “Life From Lemons” God knew that the RV and the pandemic were not the end of the “lemons” we would encounter. We can now add our sailboat Selah to the list of lemons. But as I thought of it more, I think maybe Aaron and I are the real “lemons.” God’s main concern here isn’t boat restoration, it’s heart restoration. And oh man! Has he been working on our hearts.
Aaron recently said it best, “for every piece of rotten wood we dig out of the boat, God is also digging out my rot.”
Some Fun Pictures
“The Scooter Gang” The Koerner kids are known around campus for their sweet rides. We scooter every day to the cafeteria across the street. Not only does the “dorm dad” position come with free housing, but Aaron negotiated free lunch for the family too.
“Not as easy as it looks” Rielle tries her hand at the drill as we work to remove the cabinets to make sure nothing is hiding behind them. Daddy made it look a lot more fun than Rielle found it to be.
“Work or play” The college let us borrow their John Deere “Gator” to take loads of wood off the boat and to the dumpster. But it can also hold a decent amount of people too! Our good friends from the ministry and their kids (seen here) often come to our aid when we need help on the boat.
I continue to fit in art time when I can. My Etsy art shop (visit shop) is still selling prints and I’ve had some time to create some paintings for the apartment walls!
Hi Laura, Just got done reading all you have been going through. Thank-you for sharing. I have been praying for your family and journey. I feel God is really using you in so many ways along with each one of your family members.
God is good.
I finally had a chance to catch of to you by reading your update. Thanks for sharing all the many ways God is speaking into your family life. What a encouragement to hear about how God is using you and your family.❤️🙏
Susan Weiss
Hugs to you and family 🤗
Love all the updates! Glad God is sustaining y’all and giving you eyes to see His hand at work around you! Love the pictures too!