Hey my name is Laura, I’m the main blogger and founder behind “Life From Lemons” I’m a Florida native who has always loved to draw and create. I was an art major in college but never graduated because I met my hubby and got married instead. My real career ambitions were to be a homeschooling, stay at home mom. And ta-da! I made it! I am happy to be momma to my three kiddos and a wife to my also creatively talented musician husband, Aaron.
Being a stay at home mom though, I realized that having art projects to work on after the baby went to bed really helped my sanity. I had a desire to create and I needed an outlet. So while I was pregnant with my second, I launched my Etsy shop, a line of illustrative children’s prints.
Two more kids later, we were trying to buy our first home when covid hit. The rug got pulled out from under us as my husband lost all his work and our Landlord sold our rental home a few months later. So we came up with plan B, which was to buy our friend’s RV and hit the road for the summer and see where we landed in the fall. Although it was a hard time for us in many ways, it also was a bit of a dream come true to be able to travel and live tiny (I had always loved tiny houses!).
After two years of RV life, God opened the door for us to pursue one of my husbands longtime dreams, living on a sailboat. We are currently training with Maritime Ministries in North Carolina in hopes of transitioning from full-time RV life to full-time cruising life.
I started this blog to share a little bit about our journey and my thoughts along the way. Although living in an RV or a sailboat was not my “plan-A” through the trials I have held onto the belief that God is better at writing my story than I am. No tear is wasted and no disappointment is without purpose in the kingdom of God. I know that the best stories are the ones where broken things are made whole again and where dead things are revived again with new life. I hope to be one of those stories. So I share my ”lemons” with you in anticipation if the ”life” God will bring to them.
“Behold I am making all things new.” – Jesus
Thanks for listening and visiting!
– Laura